
Customer Centric

The process of discovering customers’ needs and motivations is often underestimated and, despite best efforts, maintaining a crystal clear perspective on customers' priorities and challenges is a real struggle. Assumptions and biases creep in and can become part of the company’s culture and mindset.

The workshops facilitate a much deeper understanding of existing and potential customer segments, and seek to enhance the entire package of benefits you can provide.

CUSTOMER CENTRIC provides the structure and support to allow you to critically evaluate your current offering and develop compelling customer value propositions. It facilitates a deep understanding of existing and potential customer segments and guides the team through the process refining existing value propositions and developing new ones.

CUSTOMER CENTRIC comprises two full-day on-site workshops and a customer research and observation project carried out by an experienced analyst. The customer research project is completed between the first and second workshop days.



  • Map and evaluate your current value propositions
  • Explore the concept of value in the context of your specific competitive landscape
  • Identify knowledge gaps and research questions
  • Develop in-depth customer profiles in the context of the research findings
  • Explore alternative customer solutions and opportunities
  • Create new customer value propositions and business model scenarios
  • Create an action plan for validation