
Team Time

The immediacy of competitive and other pressures means that businesses find it difficult to take time out to reflect in a meaningful, structured way. As the business grows or changes, it is easy to lose focus -  everybody is fully occupied either dealing with the business of the day or handling the inevitable crises that arise.

Taking the foot off the gas periodically to evaluate business performance is a vital management activity.

Team Time provides the structure and space to help you and your team to analyse the fundamentals of the business in the context of market trends, competitive threats and customer preferences - It is the ideal first step in a process of development and growth.

Team Time comprises a one-day on-site workshop and a pre-workshop consultation. During the workshop, the team will work together to capture the essence of the business in a single chart, map the business model environment, carry out business model sanity tests and generate new business model ideas and scenarios.


USE Business Team Time TO:

  • Enhance clarity and communication within teams
  • Develop a shared language and methodology for working on the business
  • Re-energise and re-focus the business team
  • Unlock creativity and generate innovative business insights
  •  Quickly on-board new senior hires and induct new board members
  • Create an action plan for ongoing development